About Us

Bri·gade (noun): an organization with a specific purpose, typically with a military or quasi-military structure.

This ministry exists to its help members live in community with other Christians. We desire to make Christ known to the world, specifically within military communities. We are a fellowship of veterans who are committed to the Exploration of God, Growing and helping others Grow in their Faith, and Sharing the love of Jesus and the hope we have.


Providing a connection platform and developing resources aimed at impacting the lives of military service members and their families in their exploration of God, growing in faith, and sharing life change.

Because we have walked in your shoes, we know what’s it’s like to transition around the world. Brigade Ministries provides a supportive community to keep each member (active, veteran, retired, or family member) connected. Brigade also helps create ways to foster new relationships as you transition around the globe.

Brigade Ministries is a Veteran Owned and led nonprofit corporation.



It is our desire that everyone be in a community and to have access to resources to support their adventurous life with God. We want to provide encouragement as each individual achieves his/her goals and provides care for our brothers and sisters along the way.  We see the lives of 100,000’s military members to Explore, Grow, and Share the love of Jesus in their community and make an impact around the globe.

Brigade Ministries has foundational core values extracted from Biblical truths. These Core Beliefs drive us in our daily walk and help keep us grounded.